Frequently Asked Questions

To serve you better, we've assembled a list of our residents' most frequently asked questions. Many of these questions are also addressed on other pages of this website. If you don't find your answer here, feel free to contact Town Hall.  

 Animal Control

The Town of Hunts Point limits the number of animals to two dogs and two cats per household.  Our regulations require that pets be licensed and that dogs be under voice or signal control or on a leash anytime they are off their owners' property.  The City of Medina handles our licensing and issues lifetime pet licenses through their City Hall.  Forms and fees are available at Medina City Hall or on their website (
The Medina Police Department provides animal-control services to the Town of Hunts Point.    Medina does not patrol the Town for animal-related problems, but they will respond to complaints of loose, nuisance, or noisy animals.  If you have questions or complaints, please call Medina Police at 425.233.6420. 

 Business Licenses

The Town of Hunts Point is zoned as a residential area, allowing commercial activity within Town limits under very limited circumstances as described in the Hunts Point Municipal Code Chapter 5.05.  We do not issue business licenses; however, contractors and other firms providing goods or services to residents must have a valid business license in effect at their regular place of business, e.g. office, shop, etc.

 Fees for Town Services

Fees for the various services provided and permits issued by the Town are set forth in the Hunts Point Municipal Code within the section of the code regulating the activity. Payment must be submitted in the form of cash or a check.


The hospital closest to Hunts Point is Overlake Hospital Medical Center.  Other hospitals located in the greater Seattle include Harborview Medical Center, Swedish Medical Center, Virginia Mason Medical Center, University of Washington Medical Center, Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center, Group Health Cooperative, and Evergreen Hospital (Kirkland).

 Post Office

There are two post offices near Hunts Point:
The Medina Post Office is located at 816 Evergreen Point Road in Medina.
The Bellevue Main Post Office is located at 1171 Bellevue Way (at NE 12th Street).

An outgoing mailbox is also located near the mail pagoda off of the Hunts Point entrance traffic circle and NE 30th St.

 Property Taxes

Property Taxes are the Town's primary source of operating revenue, but the Town receives only a portion of the property taxes paid by each property owner.  State statutes mandate that the Town may increase the dollar value of its property-tax levy by no more than 1% without putting a larger increase before the people for a vote.  Hunts Point residents enjoy one of the lowest levy rates in the State of Washington.  The King County Department of Assessments determines property values and collects property taxes on behalf of the Town, the Bellevue School District, the State of Washington, and the Port of Seattle.  Specific information about properties can be found using the Parcel Viewer on the King County website.


Hunts Point is located in the Bellevue School District.  The three main public schools serving Hunts Point are Medina Elementary School, Chinook Middle School, and Bellevue High School.  Private schools serving the residents of Hunts Point are too numerous to list.


Persons, companies, or other for profit organization wishing to solicit goods or services within Hunts Point must register with Medina Police and be issued a permit. Those exempt from this requirement include religious or nonprofit organizations as well as campaign workers or political committees campaigning on behalf of candidates or on ballot issues. It is ALWAYS unlawful for any uninvited solicitor(s) to enter a property that has an easily identifiable "No Solicitor" or similar signage. Click here to read the full code.

Please contact Medina Police by calling 9-1-1 or 425-233-6420 (non-emergency line) to report any violations.

 Street Lights

Street lights are operated and maintained by Puget Sound Energy.  If you see a  street light that is out at night, constantly on during the day, or appears to be operating improperly, please report the Street Light Problem online. Before you report the outage, you will need to make note of the pole number.  Most street light poles have a 12 digit grid number (black & yellow numbering on metal tags) or INTOLIGHT tag (INTOLIGHT logo on metal tag).  If no pole number is visible, note the street intersection or home address that is nearest the pole.

 Town Sales-Tax Number

When you have goods delivered to or services performed at your home, e.g. heating-oil deliveries, construction work, home repairs, tree maintenance, etc., please ask the merchant to write the Hunts Point Sales Tax Number 1713 on their copy of your invoice.  When the merchant reports their sales-tax collections to the Washington State Department of Revenue, a portion of the sales tax you have paid to them will be returned to the Town.


The Town of Hunts Points is known for its lush landscape and established tree canopy.  To ensure this legacy the Town enacted rules to formally regulate the cutting of trees.  These rules are codified in the Hunts Point Municipal Code Chapter 8.25.

 Zip Code and Zip + 4 Lookup

The zip code for the Town of Hunts Point is 98004.  Within Hunts Point, there are several Zip+4 extensions for this zip code.  For example, the Zip+4 at Town Hall is 98004-1121.  Please use Hunts Point, WA and your Zip+4 zip code as your mailing and delivery address.  Not only does it help ensure that your mail is delivered correctly, but it also allows the Town to receive a portion of the sales taxes that you pay for goods and services delivered to your home.  If you do not know your Zip + 4 zip code, please use the Zip+4 Lookup feature on the USPS website.