Frequently Asked Questions
Burning Permits
Business Licenses
Fees for Town Services
There are two different mailbox options the Town recommends to residents.
1. The Fortress by Fort Knox Mailbox:
2. The COGO by Mailbox Solutions:
Please contact the Town for ordering information.
Post Office
There are two post offices near Hunts Point:
The Medina Post Office is located at 816 Evergreen Point Road in Medina.
The Bellevue Main Post Office is located at 1171 Bellevue Way (at NE 12th Street).
An outgoing mailbox is also located near the mail pagoda off of the Hunts Point entrance traffic circle and NE 30th St.
Property Taxes
Persons, companies, or other for profit organization wishing to solicit goods or services within Hunts Point must register with Medina Police and be issued a permit. Those exempt from this requirement include religious or nonprofit organizations as well as campaign workers or political committees campaigning on behalf of candidates or on ballot issues. It is ALWAYS unlawful for any uninvited solicitor(s) to enter a property that has an easily identifiable "No Solicitor" or similar signage. Click here to read the full code.
Please contact Medina Police by calling 9-1-1 or 425-233-6420 (non-emergency line) to report any violations.