Permit Packets
In order to be considered complete, an application must include all of the needed forms properly filled out and payment for all application fees. Local regulations affecting building and land use can be found in the Hunts Point Municipal Code. Other rules and regulations that may pertain to specialized projects can be obtained by contacting the Hunts Point Building Department at 425-455-1834; general zoning information is available on the Town's Zoning Map. Fees for building permits and other related activities are outlined in the Town's Fee Schedule.
The Town of Hunts Point is now accepting electronic permit applications to facilitate review times and reduce reprographic costs. Please refer to the following documents when submitting electronically:
- Address Assignment Request
- Boundary Line Adjustment and Lot Consolidation
- Building
- Conditional Use Permit
- Demolition Permit Packet
- Final Plat
- Mechanical Permit
- Plumbing Permit
- Pre-Application Meeting
- Preliminary Major Subdivision
- Reconsiderations-Appeals
- Right-of-Way Use
- Shoreline Substantial Development
- Shoreline Substantial Development Exemption
- Short Subdivision
- Site Development
- Special Use Permit for Wireless Facilities
- State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)
- Subdivision Alterations and Vacations
- Telecommunication Franchise
- Tree Removal
- Variance
Boundary Line Adjustment and Lot Consolidation
Boundary line adjustment means a relocation of an existing property boundary which does not create any additional lot, tract, parcel, site or division. Lot consolidation means the removal of one or more existing property lines to create one single lot from two or more contiguous lots. Boundary line adjustment and/or lot consolidation are governed by Section 17.27 of the Hunts Point Municipal Code (HPMC).
Building permits are governed by Section15.10 of the Hunts Point Municipal Code (HPMC) and the Washington State Building Code (Chapter 51-40 WAC).
- Initial Consultation – Pre-application Conference: A pre-application conference with the Building Services Department is required prior to submittal of a building permit for all new construction or remodel valued at $25,000 or greater.
- Submittal, Preparation and Fee: Submittal of all application elements are necessary to begin processing the building permit. The application shall be accompanied by the fee as set forth by resolution.
- SEPA Procedure: If applicable, there is a 15-day SEPA comment period, followed by a 14-day appeal period. Appeals shall be conducted for a SEPA Determination pursuant to HPMC 16.05.290. Contact the State of Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the current edition of the SEPA form
- Expiration of Permit: Permits expires 540 calendar days from the date of issuance or if substantial work has not begun, or if at any time after issuance, the work is suspended or abandoned for 180 days.
- Applicable Codes: HPMC Title 11, Planning and Development (Comprehensive Plan and Permit Process), HPMC Title 15 Building and Construction and HPMC Title 18 Zoning.
Conditional Use Permit
Conditional use permits are governed by Section 18.45 of the Hunts Point Municipal Code (HPMC) and is a decision granted by the hearing examiner. This review will insure that your proposed use will be compatible with the existing and permitted uses located in the area.
- Initial Consultation – Pre-application Conference: A pre-application conference with the Building Services Department is required prior to submittal of a conditional use application.
- Submittal, Preparation and Fee: Upon receipt of a complete application, town staff will issue a notice of application which is posted on site and posted at all of the regular posting sites maintained by the town, and sent to other parties as outlined in HPMC 11.10.160(4). The application shall be accompanied by the fee as set by resolution.
- SEPA Procedure: The town shall issue a SEPA determination, or other SEPA decision as provided in HPMC Chapter 16.05. After the SEPA determination is made, it is posted on the notice of application for public comment. There is a public comment period which shall be not less than 14 or more than 30 days following the date of notice of application. Contact the State of Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the current edition of the SEPA form.
- Hearing Procedure: Notice of the application shall be provided at least 15 days prior to the hearing date and must be provided pursuant to HPMC 11.10.160(4). Upon completion of the public hearing, the hearing examiner) shall render a written decision within 10 working days. The decision of the hearing examiner shall be filed with the town clerk who shall within three working days thereafter, mail copies to the applicant and to any person who prior to the rendering of the decision, requested notice of the decision or submitted substantive comments on the application. The town clerk shall also provide for notice to the public of the decision as required by other applicable ordinances or codes.
- Applicable Code Titles: HPMC Title 11 Planning and Development (Comprehensive Plan and Permit Process), HPMC Title 16 Environment and HPMC Title 18 Zoning.
Demolition Permit Packet
Final Plat
Final plat means the final drawing of the subdivision and dedication prepared for filing for record with the county auditor, or other appropriate county official, and containing all elements and requirements set forth in this title and in all applicable state laws.
- Initial Consultation: If the proposed plat or subdivision is approved, the subdivider, before requesting final approval, shall furnish the town with the plat or subdivision bond as provided for in Hunts Point Municipal Code 17.20.120. Upon receipt of the final plat and supporting data, the town engineer shall determine as soon as possible the amount of the plat bond and notify the sudivider or his engineer in writing.
- Submittal, Preparation and Fee: The final plat shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer or land surveyor. It shall be on mylar 18 inches by 24 inches drawn to a scale between one inch equals 50 feet and one inch equals 20 feet, unless an alternate scale is authorized by the town engineer. The application and plat shall be accompanied by the fee as set forth by resolution.
- Applicable Code Titles: Hunts Point Comprehensive Plan and Sensitive Area Ordinance, HPMC Title 12 Public Ways, HPMC Title 13 Public Utilities, HPMC Title 15 Building and Construction, HPMC Title 16 Environment, HPMC Title 17 Subdivisions and HPMC Title 18 Zoning.
Mechanical Permit
Mechanical permits are governed by Section 15.10 of the Hunts Point Municipal Code (HPMC).
- Submittal, Preparation and Fee: Submittal of all application elements are necessary to begin processing the mechanical permit. The application shall be accompanied by the fee as set forth by resolution.
Plumbing Permit
Plumbing permits are governed by Section 15.10 of the Hunts Point Municipal Code (HPMC).
- Submittal, Preparation and Fee: Submittal of all application elements are necessary to begin processing the plumbing permit. The application shall be accompanied by the fee as set forth by resolution.
Pre-Application Meeting
The intake checklist identifies the recommended application elements for the Town of Hunts Point pre-application meeting.
- Submittal, Preparation and Fee: Submittal of all application elements are necessary to schedule the pre-application meeting. The application shall be accompanied by the fee as set forth by resolution.
Preliminary Major Subdivision
Major subdivision means the division or re-division of land into five or more lots, plots, tracts, parcels, sites, or other divisions for the purpose of sale, lease, or transfer of ownership and under this title, includes any new division of land that was previous divided within five years from the date of application. A public meeting will be held by the hearing examiner in compliance with HPMC 11.10.160 along with RCW 58.17.080 and 58.17.090. The hearing examiner shall issue a written decision. Major subdivisions are governed by Title 17.20 of the Hunts Point Municipal Code. An application for a final plat shall be submitted if the preliminary subdivision is approved.
- Initial Consultation: Before preparation of the preliminary plat, the subdivider or the subdivider’s engineer or land surveyor shall schedule a pre-application meeting for the purpose of ascertaining the requirements for the proposed subdivision or dedication.
- Submittal, Preparation and Fee: The proposed preliminary plat and application for preliminary approval shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer or land surveyor in accordance with the requirements set forth in this title. The application and plat shall be accompanied by the fee as set forth by resolution.
- Applicable Code Titles: Hunts Point Comprehensive Plan and Sensitive Area Ordinance, HPMC Title 12 Public Ways, HPMC Title 13 Public Utilities, HPMC Title 15 Building and Construction, HPMC Title 16 Environment, HPMC Title 17 Subdivisions and HPMC Title 18 Zoning.
Section 2.35 of the Hunts Point Municipal Code (HPMC) governs reconsiderations and appeals of the hearing examiner’s decision.
- Submittal Preparation and Fee: Any party to the proceeding who is aggrieved by the decision of the hearing examiner may submit a written request for reconsideration by filing a request with the town clerk within fourteen (14) days of the hearing examiner’s decision. Such request shall specify the error of law or fact, procedural error, or new evidence which could not have been reasonably available at the time of the hearing was conducted by the hearing examiner which is the basis for the request. Within ten (10) working days from the date the hearing examiner receives a request for reconsideration, a decision shall be issued on whether or not to reopen the hearing. Said decision shall be mailed to all parties of record within three (3) days after the examiner’s decision is made. The application for reconsiderations/appeals shall be accompanied by the fee as set forth by resolution.
- Final Decision and Order: The decision or order of the examiner shall become a final decision or order upon issuance unless appealed in King County superior court pursuant to Chapter 36.70C RCW.
- Applicable Codes: HPMC Title 2 Administrative & Personnel, HPMC Title 3 Revenue and Finances and RCW Chapter 36.70C.
Right-of-Way Use
Right-of-way use permits are required for private improvements within public right-of-way including: landscaping, irrigation, private communications underground wiring per HPMC 12.10.
- Applicable Codes: HPMC Title 12 and HPMC Title 13
Shoreline Substantial Development
Shoreline substantial development permit is the process through which development is authorized for those activities occurring within the shoreline jurisdiction. A shoreline substantial development permit is part of the Shoreline Management Act established by the State of Washington under RCW 90.58. The Hunts Point Shoreline Master Program defines substantial development as any development of which the total cost or fair market value, whichever is higher, exceeds $5,718.00, or any development which materially interferes with the normal public use of the water or shorelines of the state. The dollar threshold established in this subsection must be adjusted for inflation by the Office of Financial Management every five years, beginning July 1, 2007, based upon changes in the consumer price index during that time period (WAC 173-27-040). The shorelines of the town are those land areas within 200 feet of the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) of Lake Washington.
- Initial Consultation – Pre-application Conference: A pre-application conference with the Building Services Department may be required prior to submittal of the application.
- Submittal, Preparation and Fee: Upon receipt of a complete application, town staff will issue a notice of application which is posted on the street right-of-way, on waterfront property adjacent to the proposed project, and posted at all the regular posting sites maintained by the town, and sent to other parties as outlined in HPMC 11.10.160(4). The application shall be accompanied by the fee as set by resolution.
- SEPA Procedure: The town shall issue a SEPA determination, or other SEPA decisions as provided in HPMC Chapter 16.05. After the SEPA determination is made, it is published and heard at a public hearing which is heard by the hearing examiner. There is a public comment period which shall be not less than 14 or more than 30 days following the date of notice of application. Contact the State of Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the current edition of the SEPA form.
- Hearing Procedure: The notice of application shall be provided at least 15 days prior to the public hearing date and must be provided pursuant to HPMC 11.10.160(4). Upon completion of the public hearing, the hearing examiner shall render a written decision within 10 working days. Said decision shall be mailed to all parties of record within three days after the hearing examiner’s decision is made pursuant to HPMC 2.35.100. The hearing examiner’s decision is final unless appealed to King County Superior Court.
- Request for Reconsideration: Any party to the proceeding who is aggrieved by the decision of the hearing examiner may submit a written request for reconsideration of the hearing examiner by filing a request with the town clerk within 14 calendar days of the hearing examiner’s decision pursuant to HPMC 2.35.110.
- Appeal from Hearing Examiner’s Decision: The decision of the hearing examiner may be appealed by any party with standing to the King County Superior Court pursuant to the time limits in RCW 36.70C.040 as it now exists or may hereafter be amended.
- Applicable Code Titles: HPMC Title 11 Planning and Development (Comprehensive Plan & Permit Process), HPMC Title 16 Environment and HPMC Title 18 Zoning.
Shoreline Substantial Development Exemption
Shoreline substantial development permit is the process through which uses and developments that are not considered substantial developments pursuant to RCW 90.58 and WAC 173-27 shall not require a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit, but shall conform to the policies and regulations of the current Shoreline Master Program, Appendix B: Administration, Section B.5.
- Initial Consultation – Pre-application Conference: A pre-application conference with the Building Services Department may be required prior to submittal of the application.
- Submittal, Preparation and Fee: Upon receipt of a complete application and accompanied by the fee as set by resolution, the application will be reviewed for compliance with the applicable codes.
- SEPA Procedure: If SEPA is required it will be determined as provided in HPMC Chapter 16.05.
- Applicable Code Titles: HPMC Title 11 Planning and Development (Comprehensive Plan & Permit Process), HPMC Title 16 Environment and HPMC Title 18 Zoning.
Short Subdivision
Short subdivision means the division of land into four or fewer lots, plots, tracts, parcels, sites, or other division of land for the purpose of sale, lease, or transfer of ownership, and not previously having been divided for a period of five years from the date of application. Plats are governed by Title 17.25 of the Hunts Point Municipal Code.
- Initial Consultation: Before preparation of the short plat, the subdivider or the subdivider’s engineer or land surveyor shall consult with the town clerk to schedule a pre-application meeting for the purpose of ascertaining the requirements of the short subdivision.
- Submittal, Preparation and Fee: The proposed short subdivision and five (5) blueprints thereof shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer or land surveyor and submitted along with an application and a clear and concise written description of the proposed project. The application shall be accompanied by the fee as set forth by resolution.
- Applicable Code Titles: Hunts Point Comprehensive Plan and Sensitive Area Ordinance, HPMC Title 12 Public Ways, HPMC Title 13 Public Utilities, HPMC Title 15 Building and Construction, HPMC Title 16 Environment, HPMC Title 17 Subdivisions and HPMC Title 18 Zoning.
Site Development
Site development permits are governed by Section 15.45 of the Hunts Point Municipal Code (HPMC). This permit regulates excavation, grading, site drainage, landscaping, utility or sprinkler system installation, or any other site work, unless exempted hereinafter, without first obtaining a site development permit; provided, that a site development permit shall also be required for any exempt work if in the opinion of the building official, town engineer, or town arborist, the total scope of exempted site work makes periodic review by town officials necessary or site drainage and erosion control measures are required or if the work will remove, destroy, damage, or impair the viability of any regulated vegetation and; provided, further, that if a permit is required, all site work relative to the project shall be included therein whether or not exempt hereinafter.
- Initial Consultation: A pre-application conference with the Building Services Department is encouraged prior to submittal of a site development permit application.
- Submittal, Preparation and Fee: An applicant shall provide all of the information on the checklist along with an application and a clear and concise written description of the proposed project which shall be accompanied by the fee as set forth by resolution.
- SEPA Procedure: If a project does not meet the categorical level set by HPMC 16.05.100, then a SEPA is required. After SEPA determination, there is a 15-day SEPA comment period, followed by a 14-day appeal period. Appeals shall be conducted for a SEPA determination pursuant to HPMC 16.05.290.
- Criteria for Approval: The site development permit will be approved if the applicant demonstrates consistency with Chapter 15.45 HPMC.
- Applicable Code Titles: HPMC Title 3 Revenue & Finances, HPMC Title 8 Health and Safety, HPMC Title 11 Planning and Development (Comprehensive Plan and Permit Process), HPMC Title 12 Public Ways, HPMC Title 15 Building and Construction (Uniform Building Code), HPMC Title 16 Environment (Sensitive Area Ordinance) and HPMC Title 18 Zoning.
Special Use Permit for Wireless Facilities
- Initial Consultation – Pre-application Conference: A pre-application conference is required prior to submittal of a special use permit for wireless facilities.
- Submittal, Preparation and Fee: Upon receipt of a complete application, town staff will issue a notice of application which shall be posted on the street right-of-way adjacent to the site of the application in a location which is clearly visible to the public and posted at all of the regular posting sites maintained by the town, and sent to other parties as outlined in HPMC 11.10.160(4).
- SEPA Procedure: Decisions pertaining to the application to site wireless service facilities are not subject to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA, specifically RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c)), if the facilities meet the requirements of RCW 43.21C.0384 (as that section currently exists or may be amended in the future). The town may also follow the procedures set forth in RCW 80.36.375 (as that section currently exists or may be amended in the future), where a wireless service provider applies to cite several “microcells” (as defined in RCW 80.36.375(2)(b)), in a single geographical area. Can be obtained here.
- Hearing Procedure: The notice of application shall be provided at least 15 days prior to the public hearing date, in accordance with Chapter 11.10 HPMC. The hearing examiner shall act on a special use permit only after a public hearing, as provided in Chapter 11.10 and 18.43.013 HPMC. Upon completion of the public hearing, the hearing examiner shall review, approve, conditionally approve or deny the special use permit. The special use permit will be approved if the applicant demonstrates consistency with the policies of Chapter 18.43.013 HPMC.
- Applicable Code Titles: HPMC Title 3 Revenue & Finances, HPMC Title 11 Planning and Development (Comprehensive Plan & Permit Process) and HPMC Title 18 Zoning.
State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)
The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) was established to ensure that environmental values are considered by local government when making decisions. Decisions include development decisions such as preliminary plats, shoreline substantial development permits, other official actions, as well as certain legislative actions. Agencies must follow specific procedures and processes to assure that appropriate consideration has been given to the environment.
- Initial Consultation – Pre-application Conference: A pre-application conference may be required by the Building Services Department and shall address environmental issues.
- Submittal, Preparation and Fee:
- Applicable Codes: HPMC Title 8 Health and Safety, HPMC Title 11 Planning and Development (Comprehensive Plan and Permit Process), HPMC Title 12 Public Ways, HPMC Title 13 Public Utilities, HPMC Title 14 Boating and Harbors, HPMC Title 15 Building Code, HPMC Title 16 Environment, HPMC Title 17 Subdivisions, and HPMC Title 18 Zoning.
Subdivision Alterations and Vacations
A request for alteration or vacation of any short subdivision or a major subdivision that involves a public dedication shall be processed as provided in RCW 58.17.212 or 58.17.215 with review and approval by the hearing examiner pursuant to RCW 58.17.217 and 58.17.330.
Telecommunication Franchise
Tree Removal
Tree removal permits are governed by Section 8.25.050 of the Hunts Point Municipal Code (HPMC). No person, corporation or other entity shall remove or destroy, or cause to be removed or destroyed, a significant tree within the town of Hunts Point without first having obtained a tree removal permit from the town. A permit shall not be required for pruning that complies with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A 300 standards. A permit shall not be required for the removal of trees less than six inches DSH that are part of a groves’ contiguous canopy if in the opinion of the town arborist their removal does not damage the health of the groves. The current edition of the tree code can be found here under the Hunts Point Municipal Code Chapter 8.25.
- Initial Consultation – Pre-application Conference: A pre-application conference with the Building Services Department and town arborist is required prior to submittal of a tree removal permit on properties proposed for construction.
- Submittal, Preparation and Fee: Upon receipt of a complete application, town staff will forward the application to the town arborist for review. The application shall be accompanied by the fee as set by resolution.
- Applicable Codes: HPMC Title 8.25 Tree Code and HPMC Title 11 Planning and Development (Comprehensive Plan and Permit Process).
A variance is governed by the Hunts Point Municipal Code (HPMC) Chapter 18.55. A variance is reviewed by town staff and their recommendation is provided as a part of the public record to the hearing examiner. A public hearing is then held by the hearing examiner, and a decision is rendered which rules on the requests from departure from the development regulations contained in HPMC Title 18. A variance request can only contain requests for relief from the town’s zoning regulations.
- Initial Consultation – Pre-application Conference: A pre-application conference is not required, but may be beneficial, prior to submittal of a variance application.
- Submittal, Preparation and Fee: Upon receipt of a complete application, town staff will issue a notice of application which is posted on site and posted at all of the regular posting sites maintained by the town. The application shall be accompanied by the fee as set by resolution.
- Criteria for Approval per HPMC 18.55.040: A letter of request and response to the following statements shall be submitted with your application:
- The variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the property, on behalf of which the application was filed, is located; and
- That such variance is necessary because of special circumstances relating to the size, shape, topography, location., or surroundings of the subject property, to provide it with use rights and privileges permitted to other properties in the vicinity and in the zone in which the subject property is located; and
- That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated.
- Applicable Codes: HPMC Title 11 Planning and Development (Comprehensive Plan and Permit Process) and HPMC Title 18 Zoning.