Pubic Records Request
The Town of Hunts Point provides timely action and fullest possible access to public records under the provisions of the Washington State Public Records Act chapter 42.56 RCW. Upon request, the Town will make available any public record for inspection by the public and/or copying by the staff for the public unless the record is exempt from disclosure under chapter 42.56 RCW, chapter 10.97 RCW, chapter 13.50 RCW or other applicable statutes. It is not intended that every request for a public record require a form be completed by the requestor to gain access to that public record. Those records, which clearly can be disclosed and are readily available without disrupting normal business, may be provided to the public without the use of a form. When the requestor is seeking a record or records which are not readily accessible, or are questionable for disclosure, the form "Public Records Request" shall be completed by the person making the request.
Charges for public records are as follows:
- Copies of ordinances or codes made at Town Hall: no charge.
- Copies of records that already exist in electronic form: no charge
- Copies of town records, zoning maps, plats, short plats, or other land-use records: $0.15 per page.
- For copies that cannot be made at Town Hall (e.g. large format records) actual fees charged by the vendor will be passed on to the person requesting the copying.