Animal Services

The Town of Hunts Point limits the number of animals to two dogs and two cats per household.  Our regulations require that pets be licensed and that dogs be under voice or signal control or on a leash anytime they are off their owners' property.  The City of Medina handles our licensing and issues lifetime pet licenses through their City Hall.  Forms and fees are available at Medina City Hall or on their website.  Please call them at 425.233.6400 for more information.

The Medina Police Department provides animal-control services to the Town of Hunts Point.  Medina does not patrol the Town for animal-related problems, but they will respond to complaints of loose, nuisance, or noisy animals.  If you have questions or complaints, please call Medina Police non-emergency line at at 425.233.6420 (note: Medina Police will not be dispatched from this number).  If you require police assistance, dial 9-1-1.