2024 Comprehensive Plan Update

The Town of Hunts Point is undertaking a periodic review and update of its Comprehensive Plan, as required by the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA), RCW36.70A.130(5).The GMA requires state and local governments to manage Washington’s growth by identifying and protecting critical areas and natural resource lands, designating urban growth areas, preparing comprehensive plans, and implementing them through capital investments and development regulations. The GMA sets forth that many counties and cities in Washington should review and revise, if needed, their comprehensive plans to ensure the plan complies with GMA requirements. The periodic review shall continue for every ten years thereafter.


What is the Comprehensive Plan?

The Comprehensive Plan sets the community's 20-yearvision for future growth and development. It serves as a collective vision and provides a roadmap for future decision-making to ensure the Town of Hunts Point remains an attractive and safe environment for the enjoyment of all its citizens. The Plan guides Town decisions by setting goals and objectives across several essential growth topics, ensuring that new development aligns with the community's values and identity, while meeting requirements of state and federal laws.


Why is the Comprehensive Plan Being Updated?

The GMA requires that cities and counties update their comprehensive plans on a periodic schedule. This is an opportunity to review existing guidelines, write new policies that reflect the priorities of the community, and confirm that all federal, state, and local requirements are met.

The 2024 Update will plan for the next 20 years through the year 2044. Residents and other members of the public are invited to provide general feedback or comments on the draft Comprehensive Plan by emailing town staff or by providing formal written or oral public comment at an upcoming Council or Planning Commission Meeting.